We drove like three hours from Pucon towards Panguipulli.
The river was with a good level,but we found us in the middle of nothing and without shuttle bunny, so we thought of coming back with a better timing and with a driver to make our descent easier.
Somehow I ended up going alone with my driver Chapulin, this time the river was lower and from what we knew that was good news because the first 5 kilometers the river drops like 120 meters which is not that bad if it was true. The map showed us that the river was like 10 kilometers long, so like 4 hours run more less. I started going down and after the firs 50 meters the river started droping without stop, full of undercut and trees then I look back and my driver wa salready gone, so I tried my radios but they did not work, I was already in the canyon so I starte walking, like a gentlelman adn the river was getting steeper and steeper with a portage option class 5+, took me 3 hours to portage 2,5 kilometers, with more water that would be a suicide. I took some Pics from that section. Then the river started to opening up again with a nice class 3 and 4, then the canyon closed again with a fucking beautiful lanscaped around then the class 4 started again, preatty much until the end.
I think the upper section of this rivers looks better
here are some Pics from the first 2 kilometers
Walking down the river
On my way down
Half way down
The last couple of hundred meters
The way back home